Tomorrow's World Today
Tamara Allen (Legacy MD), Sven Awege (Answers in CME), James Bannister (PeerVoice), Dean Beals (DKBmed), Pam Beaton (Independent), Ranj Bhakar (Torbay NHS Hospital), Pan Chen (PeerVoice), Stuart Crayford (Answers in CME), Gabriella Daewangga (MedFisher), Adriana Dikancheva (Kenes Group), Maureen Doyle-Scharff (Pfizer), Chris Elmitt (Independent), Amy Farr (European Respiratory Society - ERS), Nuria Fernández Roldán (Kenes Group), Ben Gallarda (EPG Health), Francesca Germoni (Scientific Seminars International Foundation), Monica Ghidinelli (AO Foundation), Reinhard Griebenow (European Board for Accreditation of Continuing Education for Health Professionals - EBAC), Dean Jenkins (Outcomes Engine), Onno Kaagman (Medcon International), Steven Kawczak (Cleveland Clinic), Thomas Kleinoeder (KWHC), Celeste Kolanko (M3), Katie Lucero (Medscape Education), Álvaro Margolis (Red de Educación Médica Continua), Suzanne Murray (AXDEV Group), Kelly Nevins (International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer), Sarah Nisly (Clinical Education Alliance), Eugene Pozniak (European CME Forum), David Price (University of Colorado, American Board of Family Medicine), Kate Regnier (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education - ACCME), Lawrence Sherman (Meducate Global), Michelle Skidmore (Kaplan), Froukje Sosef (COR2ED), Robin Stevenson (Journal of CME), Lisa Sullivan (In Vivo Academy), Eva Thalmann (Legacy MD), Margarita Velcheva (Kenes Group), Sarah de Vlieger (European Hematology Association - EHA), James White (PeerVoice), Huw Williams (PeerVoice), Sophie Wilson (International Medical Press)
Listen to our podcast episode where Eugene Pozniak and Lawrence Sherman discuss the background and details of the programme
Wednesday 6 November 2024
Pre-meeting (for all registered participants)
Presented in two tracks, sessions are 45 minutes each and run sequentially, delegates can choose between tracks
Core competencies in CME/CPD
CME nuts and bolts
Led by Adriana Dikancheva (Kenes Group) and Francesca Germoni (Scientific Seminars International Foundation)
Aligning stakeholder expectations: Defining the role and skills of the modern CME provider
Led by Margarita Velcheva (Kenes Group) and Froukje Sosef (COR2ED) [Download presentation]
Knowledge is not enough - We must (help) do (educational design part 1)
Led by David Price (University of Colorado, American Board of Family Medicine) [Download presentation]
Planning CME/CPD ‘with the end in mind’ (educational design part 2)
Led by Dean Jenkins (Outcomes Engine) [Download presentation]
Specialist group sessions
CPD accreditation: How to leverage the impact of the IACPDA “Standards for Substantive Equivalency between CPD/CME accreditation systems
Led by Reinhard Griebenow (EBAC) and Kate Regnier (ACCME) [Download presentation]
How activities are funded compliantly and the appropriate contact between providers and supporters
Led by Celeste Kolanko (M3), Sophie Wilson (International Medical Press) and Pam Beaton (Independent)
Medical societies: ensuring quality education to foster lifelong learning
Led by Amy Farr (ERS) and Sarah de Vlieger (EHA) [Download presentation]
17th Annual European CME Forum
Opening of the 17th Annual European CME Forum
Led by Eugene Pozniak (European CME Forum)
Part 1: GenAI and digital innovations
Journal of CME 2024 Special Collection
AI innovations in lifelong learning: Revolutionising CME and CPD
Led by Michelle Skidmore (Kaplan) with Dean Beals (DKBmed), Monica Ghidinelli (AO Foundation) and Dean Jenkins (Outcomes Engine) [Download presentation]
A review of how generative AI is impacting CME/CPD, including interviews with authors of select publications from this year's special collection in the Journal of CME
Empathy in practice: AI as a tool for healthcare education
Oral poster presentation by Nuria Fernández Roldán (Kenes Group) [Download presentation]
Workshop elevator pitches
Tea/coffee break (poster and exhibit area)
End of Day 1 with networking reception (poster and exhibit area)
Thursday 7 November 2024
Workshop reflections
Led by Dean Jenkins (Outcomes Engine) with the workshop leaders
Post-COVID-19 pandemic trends in medical congress engagement and digital CME implications
Oral poster presentation by Ben Gallarda (EPG Health) [Download presentation]
Tea/coffee break with poster tour (poster and exhibit area)
Part 2: Thriving today - anticipating tomorrow
Lunch with the learners
With Lawrence Sherman (Meducate Global) and Ranj Bhakar (Torbay NHS Hospital)
Tea/coffee break with poster tour (poster and exhibit area)
Case challenge
Led by Chris Elmitt (Independent) with subject area experts ready to defend and debate a thorny challenge!
This year's topic:
"This house believes that the CME community pays only lip service to incorporating the patient perspective in medical education"
Breakouts led by David Price (University of Colorado) and Froukje Sosef (COR2ED); Pam Beaton (Independent) and Kate Regnier (ACCME); Amy Farr (ERS) and Sarah de Vlieger (EHA)
Panel led by Maureen Doyle-Scharff (Pfizer), Reinhard Griebenow (EBAC) and Lisa Sullivan (In Vivo Academy) [Download discussion points]
End of day 2 with networking reception (poster and exhibit area)
Journal of CME board meeting (by invitation)
Friday 8 November 2024
Part 3: Tomorrow's world today
CME around the world
Led by Lawrence Sherman (Meducate Global) with Álvaro Margolis (Red de Educación Médica Continua, Uruguay) and Lisa Sullivan (In Vivo Academy, Australia)
Expectations and core competencies of the CME provider in tomorrow's world
Led by Chris Elmitt (Independent)
Tea/coffee break (poster and exhibit area)
Continuing professional development to move HCPs along the learning continuum
Oral poster presentation by Sarah Nisly (Clinical Education Alliance) [Download presentation]
What the future holds
Panel discussion and final Q&A led by Eugene Pozniak (European CME Forum)
The CME unsession
Led by Lawrence Sherman (Meducate Global)